Finding Your Comfort Level: How to Choose Investments That Won’t Shave Years Off Your Life

Investing in real estate is a smart way to build an investment portfolio while also bringing in steady cash flow. There are many ways to invest in real estate, some taking more time and energy than others. Depending on the level of commitment, there are many types of investments to choose from:

Multifamily Properties

Renting out a multifamily property brings in multiple sources of income. With so many units in one place, if someone were to move out there are still other units to bring in money. This leaves less of a risk of a $0 income. Another benefit of investing in a multifamily property is the exit strategy when it comes time to sell. Investors of the choice of selling the home, converting the units into condos to sell them off individually for much more money or finding partners with capital to partially cash them out.

Single-family Home

Another smart investment is a single-family home. Unlike a multifamily home, there is only one source of income, but it comes with much less maintenance. This makes it the best kind of investment for first-time investors. Investing in a single-family home is cheaper than most investments, easier to manage, and even easier to sell. When an investor chooses to sell a single-family home, it’s easy to find a buyer. Most of the time, the current tenants will be interested in buying the property. If not, a single-family home is always an easy sell in the real estate market.


Although choosing to flip a house takes a bit more time to see a profit than other investments, it can sometimes offer a much bigger payout. After restoring and upgrading the property, the only thing left to do is sell it. Renting out the property will take much more time and maintenance over what could be years. Flipping a house can take a year max, depending on the number of repairs, and an upgraded property is much easier to sell. Be sure to find the right kind of property to sell in order to get the most out of the profits.

REIT Investments

There are ways of investing in real estate without searching for a property to rent out or flip. An investor should consider investing in REITs (Real Estate Investment Trust) for a very much hands-off investment. Through this type of investment, a company that owns, operates or finances income-producing properties will use an investor’s contribution and give the investor a share of the income. These properties will range from apartment complexes, offices, shopping centers, or even hotels. It’s the perfect way to invest in real estate without taking on too much of the risk.

What to Expect When Buying and Selling a House in LA in 2019

Los Angeles has been in the driver’s seat for about a decade now when it comes to being an ideal seller’s market. However, things are shifting fast in 2019. The City of Angels has fallen from grace as far as real estate values go today. The latest trends show a slow down with home prices leveling off and the number of overall sales significantly down from the average.

Affordability and rising mortgage rates are a couple of reasons for the softening market. In addition, realtors say that Millennial buyers are not hot for home hunting like they were in recent years. Would-be buyers have become shut out of the game because home values in L.A. have skyrocketed. The city is also known for wages that lag considerably behind housing costs. For example, lower-earning residents would need to shell out more than 83 percent of their yearly incomes just to meet the monthly mortgage payments on an average home purchased there.

Mortgage rates are expected to hit 5.5 percent by the end of 2019. Potential move-up buyers are also staying still and keeping their existing homes. Instead, they will make renovations and be satisfied with their current low mortgage rates.

Those who rent are also feeling the struggle and having to set down roots in the cheapest neighborhoods of L.A. or get a roommate just to meet the rising housing costs. That means that renters who desire becoming homeowners are finding it almost impossible to gather enough funds for a downpayment.

For example, looking nationwide, the median price for a two-bedroom apartment is $1,180. That is nearly 33 percent below the L.A. price.

This is Los Angeles’ reality; the rate of homeownership there is one of the lowest in the country. In L.A., 64 percent of households rent instead of own, and even that poses a hit to the wallet.

If one is a seller with a great property, the house will probably go but not at the crazy pace before. L.A. sellers have to be aware of the competition, especially for more expensive properties.

If one’s an L.A. buyer, there is less buyer competition and more inventory in that respect. Buyers don’t have to rush and can take time to find the home that fits into their budget.

Top 5 Mistakes Real Estate Investors Make at Networking Events

Networking events are an important way for investors to find like-minded people who can help them achieve their goals. Unfortunately, many real estate investors do not get the most out of networking events because they make some common mistakes. Knowing what to avoid will help investors have successful networking events.

Only Going to Networking Events Occasionally

Keep in mind that it is necessary to go to more than one networking event. Regularly attending events is how people get to know each other and build trust with each other. Taking the time to attend as many events as possible is essential to launching partnerships.

Ignoring Strangers at Events

Of course, it is tempting to just stick with friends at a networking event, but this goes against the whole purpose of networking. It might be intimidating, but remember that everyone else is probably a little nervous too. Going out of one’s way to introduce oneself to strangers can have very promising results.

Not Listening to Others

Of course, it is important for a person to talk themselves up during a networking event, but always focusing the conversation on themselves can make a person look selfish. Instead, try to ask people about who they are, what they do, and what they like. Remember to truly listen to people instead of just being quiet while they talk. This helps build stronger relationships that may be useful one day.

Skipping the Follow Up Stage

Even the most exciting conversation at a networking event will not actually result in any investment opportunities unless a person follows up. Not following up after a person says they will is particularly problematic because it makes it seem like the person is unreliable or flaky. Follow up can be as simple as sending an email to thank someone for their time or say it was nice to meet them.

Attending Events Without Offering to Organize

Those who only bother with the attending part of a networking event are missing out. Volunteering to help organize future events is a good way to get really involved in the local investment community. Being part of the organizing committee is a good way for people to draw attention to themselves and make it look like they are a pillar in the community.

Where To Volunteer In Los Angeles

Generosity and gratitude are linked to being happier. One of the best ways to cultivate those things in your life is to spend time volunteering. Here are 3 volunteer opportunities in the Los Angeles area.

1. One Incredible Family

One Incredible Family is just that–incredible. At this organization, people come together to prepare meals for local shelters. Volunteers are needed to help with cooking and transporting those meals. You can either help with preparing and cooking meals if you would like to limit interactions, or choose to help distribute the meals if you want to be interacting with the community. They have annual events in November that include all-day needs for volunteers. they need help with prep, cooking, assembly, delivery, serving and cleaning up. You can also choose to donate food items or necessities if you would like to instead. They are always in need of Thanksgiving food items such as turkeys, pies, canned goods, juices, and water. They also need things such as delivery vans. There are many ways you can help One Incredible Family.

2. Midnight Mission

Midnight Mission is located in downtown Los Angeles. It’s credited to be one of the best-run charity organizations in the city. They offer a plethora of services such as counseling, training, education, help with job placement, medical care, personal hygiene, food, and shelter. They work diligently to serve the city’s homeless population however they can. They hold special holiday events on Christmas and Thanksgiving. Around these times there is a particular need for volunteers. You can sign-up and apply to become a volunteer on their website. They also advise female volunteers to bring a friend with them to volunteer, due to the Midnight Mission being an all-male facility.

3. One Voice

One Voice provides a unique social service to a group of individuals who may be forgotten in their struggles. They provide emergency resources to families who are experiencing a crisis and to programs for low-income students. They have yearly holiday events where they distribute toys, books and food baskets to over 2,500 families who live in poverty in the Los Angeles area. In the week before the event, over 2,000 volunteers gather in order to prepare the food baskets and holiday gifts. They keep the atmosphere festive by playing holiday music and socializing.